There are over billion smokers in the world

Smoking kills over 7 million humans every year,
in other words > 19000 daily,
or > 800 in an hour,
or 13 every minute.
About 13% of the victims die due to passive smoking,
of whom 28% are children.

Smoking is toxic

Tobacco smoke contains over 4000 chemical substances, of which at least 250 are known to be harmful and over 50 of them cause cancer. It also contains nicotine, which causes strong addiction.

Smoking leads to death for 50% of its consumers.
It causes many diseases and worsens pre-existing conditions.

Tobacco diseases

Smoking related conditions include: cardiovascular disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cancer, high blood pressure, acid taste in the mouth, worsened asthma, early aging, macular degeneration, stained teeth, loss of teeth, kidney failure, impotence, erectile dysfunction, diabetic retinopath, tuberculosis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chest infections and sudden infant death.

In Finland

About 15% of the Finnish population are daily smokers. It causes every fifth of adult deaths, in other words about 5 000 finns die to tobacco related diseases every year. A third of cancers is caused by tobacco and every fifth of cardiovascular diseases is related to smoking.

In Finland, 1,5 billion euros are spent every year for tobacco-related health care expenses.


There are no safe levels of smoking, quitting is always a great idea and it's possible, no matter how long one has smoked.

The effects of stopping take effect in our bodies quickly, for example after two days, the body no longer contains nicotine or smog, the lungs have started to heal and the risk of heart attack decreases daily.

About 75% of quitters will encounter withdrawal symptoms,
thus it is a good idea to plan quitting beforehand.

Smoking is also costly. Smoking a pack of tobacco daily (7 euros) costs 2 555 euros yearly, which equals 25 550 euros in 10 years.